Protecta GmbH is a dynamic and innovative security company committed to providing highly professional, reliable and cost-effective detective, security services solutions to private, retail, corporate and construction business clients as well as to the public sector, and industrial organizations.
Since 2013, we have been serving the security services industry and all the wealth of experience we take forward to the clients.
Our goal is a highly professional approach to all security threats in order to mitigate, reduce or eliminate risks that clients continue to experience, as we develop and safely see their missions through to completion.
We are not a mass employer of security personnel. We instead recruit, select, and train only those individuals whose orientation and motivation are in congruence with our mission statement.
Our staff possess worldwide experience in the private security industry.
Protecta GmbH has a scrupulous regard for high standards of integrity and excellence for all service provisions. Integrating professional and organizational quality is our core mission, vision and value statement.. This is the reason why we are one of the most trusted security companies.
We have a unique approach to each client. Our service is not the same for every customer; therefore, Protecta GmbH does not offer a generic, pre-packaged assistance. Detego investigation develops security programs while working closely with the customer to develop the program that most fits their individual needs. Standard Operating Procedures can then be developed and implemented for each customer individually.
We pride ourselves in providing a full range of Security Management Services and are committed to continually improve the contents and quality of our service.