The first impression and the way in which you are greeted and received acts, is the calling card of any reputable company. For this responsible task, the Protecta GmbH only uses specially trained staff with many years of experience.
Reception and reception staff are carefully selected according to special guidelines and undergo a series of basic and special training courses before they are actually put into service.
Protecta GmbH attaches great importance to the appearance of the staff - impeccable business clothing - as well as good foreign language skills. In order to stay up to date, our reception and reception staff regularly attend training courses and seminars.
Our reception staff welcomes and checks guests, customers, suppliers, takes care of various processes in the house and on the company premises, communicates with everyone who enters and leaves the company in order to enable the goal - to maintain smooth operation.
We also take the tasks on the company premises such as control of guests and vehicle, bag checks, security tours and much more. This also includes the operation of security systems and the monitoring of the security center.
The services at a glance: